Always Sixteen

Age-Old Questions

I’ve always felt 16 so my age is always horrifying for me, especially as I pass big ones. For some reason this last one was really hard for me. I’m 45!!! For some reason it makes me feel like I should have done more with my life. Like I should be emotionally more mature. I’m not though so what am I gonna do? Fret on my birthday then move on I suppose.

The Lovely Dani

On Bees and Efs

My BFF is the most remarkable person I know. We met playing a game called Everquest. Little did we know us two adorable rogues would become best friends. We played together every day then hubby and I moved on to another game. I had made friends in games before and usually when we moved to another game we just lost track of the other people and that was that.

Something was different with this because without really planning to we reconnected. it’s been about 12ish years.

We have never met face to face and only talked on the phone a couple of times. We spend most of our time talking to one another on an Instant Messenger and we are remarkably similar. We are both Bipolar and we also have similar personalities.

She is a wonderful supporter who is not afraid to call me on my bullshit. Even my husband won’t do that. I like to call her my other other half. lol.

She is strong and beautiful and smart and funny and honestly one of the best people I have ever met in my entire life. I love her with all my heart and nothing could ever change that.

I trust her with my life.

Money Growing On Trees

Adult Visions

I always believed that when I was all grown up I would never want for anything. I could eat anything that I wanted. I could go into the stores and request any item of any price and it would be mine.

Little did I know that there would be days where I was hungry. Times when all I could do of was dream of having the simplistic comforts.

At this point in my life, things are better and I have what a lot of people call first world problems. Took me a long time to reach this point but honestly I think life is better than I could have ever imagined.

Tosh. Oh No

Can’t Watch This

I like Daniel Tosh. I think he is a funny comic and when I saw that he was to have his own tv show I thought it would be pretty hilarious. However his show consisted of vomiting, violence, self-inflicted pain, let’s face it, it is pretty damned offensive. I’ve tried watching it a few times but every time I’ve had to cover my eyes or plug my ears at least once during it.

Maybe if I was in my teens I would find it more amusing. It definitely is the one show that I would consider cringe worthy and impossible to watch.

I used to have an iron tummy, if this show proves anything it is that I am weak and kittenish.

Black and Blue

Sudden Shifts

Hubby and I were sitting sipping some sparkling wine and eating a mixture of cheeses from our picnic basket when a chilled breeze came off the ocean and clouds started gathering above us hiding the planes taking off from LAX.

The waves gathered more white tops and we gathered close snuggling to hold off the wind while watching the ocean spin and twirl. We weren’t worried about a warm Californian rain but as a sharp piece of ice hit the edge of my champagne flute shattering it in my palm we panicked thinking how far it would take the get to the car.

More and more hail rained down upon us turning our flesh bright red, with purple and blue welts raising on our skin. We ran to the doorway of the public baths gathering with a group of strangers in the doorway hoping for a break in the weather.

We ran our hands over each others stinging skin laughing at the way our date had ended. Another one for the memory books.

My Computer of Course

Object Lesson

If you asked anyone who knew me what object is me,
It’d easily be the computer you see,
On it I’ve met both my other halves.
A BFF and a spouse that are both must haves,
I have my fun and I have my work too,
It’s really great when i have nothing better to do.
I love my computer and my computer loves me
Now if I could just stop it from blinking c:\\

The Sweetest Scent Is Not A Rose

Nosey Delights

I think the most enticing, sweet, sensual, comforting scent is the lilac. It is so full of body and it fills the air with such a complicated flavor that you can’t help but be enticed by it. Were it a poison I would sip it willingly, inhale it deeply and fall into its succulent depths.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

An Ounce of Home

Striking a match Jenni looked over her shoulder one final time at the house she and her husband had called home for the past several years. As she leaned forward to catch the gasoline aflame she smile once more before picking up her various pieces of luggage and throwing them in her car.

She hummed quietly as she drove away thinking about the new life she was starting for herself. An explosion filled the air as she drove away and quietly patted the open cooler beside her.

Looking inside she grinned to herself as she remembered tearing her husbands chest apart with the tree clippers. She knew she would never have to worry. She laughed as she said to herself “Home is where the heart is!”

A Little Everything

Instant Celebrity

I think if I could be someone famous, I would choose someone who is young and a millionaire.
Dakota Fanny would be perfect she is 19, worth about 16 million and is well liked by most.

The first thing I would do is go running! Running with the exuberant run of youth. I’d run until I collapsed on the ground, laying in the sun and just enjoying the feel of the grass beneath me.
After I caught my breath I would head to the bank and withdraw a couple of million dollar checks. I would then donate 1 million to Bipolar research and 1 million to the ASPCA.
After that I would enjoy some of the spoils of being rich. I’d go to a restaurant I would normally never get in and have a lovely meal. I’d go to a spa and get a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure the whole nine yards.
Then I would go shopping in all the stores with the expensive clothing and have a great time trying on different outfits and knowing I could buy any of them I wanted. I’d likely buy a cute outfit and some jewelry for the evening.
At the end of the day I would sneak off to a club. I would just sit in the corner and watch people enjoying themselves. I already love people watching and being able to do it someplace I wouldn’t normally go would make it exciting for me.
Before going to bed, I would think through the mind of a normal non mentally ill person and review the day as it actually happened not as I miscue it in my own mind.